Today we conducted an election that decided which group's pavilion would be sent to Figment, in New York. Forest was out first, unfortunately. Then Honeycomb flew away out of the election due to a shortage of votes. Then it was a nail biter between "Bird" and "Future". Future won by one vote, and then a discussion followed: what the problems with Future was, and what the right solutions were. After a 20-30 minute discussion, we resolved most if not all issues. In my opinion, every group tried their hardest and had amazing ideas, I especially enjoyed the Forest concept because it was synthetic, and it looked natural. There was an unplanned theme of nature in our projects:
Bird: the name itself and the concept is very natural
HoneyComb: resembles an actual bee honeycomb
Forest: it's a Forest!!!! How is that NOT natural??
Future: made partly of bamboo, and partly of PVC- the natural part was the bamboo.
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